Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day 2 - Saturday PM

By 1 pm the winds finally started to let up. We went out to go check on Craig's office. The business next door sells carports and one of them flew up on Craig's roof and on it's way back down, it took off about 1/3 of the roof. The ceiling came down, insulation down, sheetrock wet, and generally just a huge mess. We hurried home to get some tarps and get things dried in because another huge rain storm was coming our way. Luckily we were able to get the tarps on the roof before the rain hit. Our power was still out but they decided to make our town the staging area for all of the power restorations. All of the towns who got evacuated for storm surge, their fire and police all evacuated to our town and were staying at the high school. Luckily the high school, walmart, and one huge subdivision got power around 5 pm. A ward member who got power brought their generator over to us. What a huge blessing. We could keep our refrigerator running and have some electricity to at least run a fan, have a light, and run the tv and dvd player. Still no phone,internet, or power. Our cell phones even went down this afternoon. Yikes.

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